Python for Maya/ June 11th 2023
What an amazing course experience! After completing all the projects included in the course, I went a step further and developed Wiggle Maker and YJ_ControllerMaster 1.0.
Download Yujia’s Controller Master 1.0
Download Yujia’s Controller Master 1.1 ( 07/01/2023 I opened it on Windows and made minor changes to ensure it works for Windows too.)
For Mac users downloading version 1.1, please do this︎︎︎

Download Wiggle Creator 1.0

Photogramtry / March 1st 2023
I throwed a red potato into unity!!
3D Character Workshop / January 15th 2023
I am paticipating Shane Olson’s 3D Chracter Workshop for this winter vacation!
Week_1 Block out
Trying Out Animation Layers/ October 16th 2022
I tried animation layers after watching a couple tutorials about it. Here is a link( of a video for seeing this animation works in AR.
Highly Detailed Low-Poly Model/ August 23th 2022
I made this Alexa Echo by using Maya, substance painter, and substance designer.

Pipeline Game Rig / May 12th 2022
-ik fk switch
-weapon toggling (Right hand, left hand, in the air)
-blend shapes
-weight painting
Bringing An Animated Model into Unity and Making It into A 3rd Person Controller / April 18th 2022
In this project, I collabrated with Pan Zheng( We purchesed an animated model from sketchfab. Then, we import it into maya, and exported the skeleton mesh and differnert animations out. Lastly, by fellowing HOW TO CREATE A THIRD PERSON CONTROLLER IN UNITY made by Sebastian Graves, we convert this animated model into a 3rd person controller.
Making Metahuman Naked by A Skin Graft Surgery in Substance Painter / February 28, 2022
I took off the hedious CK underwear on a metahuman that created by Seleny Xie( On top of that, I helped adding tatoos of a traditional Chinese landscape painting she wanted on her metahuman.

I extracted alphas from the painting, and stamped them on the metahuman inside substance painter.